It’s not every day we look to our underwear, sigh a breath of relief, and say with grateful joy, “THANK GOD I WAS WEARING THAT UNDERWEAR!” Maybe we haven’t been living our lives to the fullest, we can’t say for sure. But what we can say is that these 6 stories from our readers about the Equmen Precision Collection saving their … ass makes us think it’s time we paid more attention.
1. Learning To Breath – Michael, Bozeman, MT
I’m from Montana. In Montana it’s very dry. I went for a vacation to Florida, let’s just say it’s not so dry. At all. And I wasn’t used to it. I was sweating a lot, profusely. I know there is a famous swamp in Florida but I’m pretty sure it was in my pants. I basically was too embarrassed to leave my room. This was not the vacation I had planned. A friend recommended Equmen Precision underwear and that there was a store in Miami not far from my hotel. Thank god! Thanks to Equmen and their double ventilated pouch, my vacation was not totally lost.
2. Death To Germs – Simon, San Jose, CA
I’m not a hypochondriac, or an agoraphobic, or anything weird. I just don’t like germs. It doesn’t keep me locked up at home but it makes living life a little complicated. I get around it. Frankly, with the Equmen Precisions Anti-Microbial build out, it just means I don’t have to worry about germs in one place. Which is a weight off my back.
3. Rehabilitation – Marcus, NYC
I recently pulled a muscle in my thigh. Really bad. I always laugh when professional sports players have to take like 2 weeks off because of a sprain or pull. Just always seems so much for what happens to people all the time. Except that when I pulled my thigh, I really pulled it. I couldn’t walk properly for nearly a 2 months. Besides rehab and physio, it was recommended I look into a pair of compression shorts. I went with the Equmen Precision Long Trunks because I knew I’d be able to wear them comfortably under my clothes. That extra bit of pressure helped me heal quick and direct.
4. 2nd Skin – Steven, Austin TX
I order all my clothing online. I know my sizes, know my styles, know what I like. I had never heard of Equmen before. But I was drawn to them because I like the idea of a second skin. It can get blistering hot in Austin in the summer and I wanted a pair of underwear that would hold me tight but not cling to me wetly. I’m sold. I bought 10 more pairs.
5. Company Softball Game – Michael, Boston MA
So I had to play in our company softball game last week. I’m in okay shape, not the best. It’s hard to keep it up. I’ve got 3 kids, a difficult job and a lot of responsibility. When the company softball game came around I knew that I would have to play, but I was worried about my physical abilities. I have a pair of Equmen Precision Long Boxers and I slipped them on for it. I knew the compression would help but I didn’t realize it would help that much. Wearing them didn’t make me a better softball player, they just helped my body live up to the task.
6. Staying Dry in Monsoon Season – Tom, Thailand (vacation)
I brought my Equmen Precision Shirt with me as one of my backpacking essentials when I went on vacation to Thailand last year. I didn’t know why my flight was so cheap until I arrived. Monsoon season means a lot of downpours. Pretty much all the time. So I’m really glad I had a quick drying, moisture wicking shirt for the trip. Anything else and I would have been in a lot of trouble.
Have you ever worn anything from the Equmen Precision Collection? Any day-saving stories you want to share? Let us know with a comment below or by tweeting @underwearexpert.
For more information on this brand: Equmen
Photo Credit: Equmen
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The post 6 Saves By The Equmen Precision Collection appeared first on The Underwear Expert.